Ex-Man Podcast Ep. 98 – What Makes Tool Special? With Crash Thompson (The Rock Critic)
Doc welcomes YouTube music Crash Thompson aka The Rock Critic to the show to discuss the modern state of music criticism, the new Tool album Fear Inoculum, and how Tool engages outside of the norms of the rest of the industry. Follow Crash on Twitter @TehRockCritic and his YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/TehRockCritic Follow Doc on Instagram and […]
Seeking a Guitar Player For a New Rock Band
Guitarist Doc Coyle (God Forbid) and vocalist Ravi (Phyllotaxis) have started an unnamed rock band with drummer Moe Watson and multi instrumentalist Aden Oxenreider, and are looking for a guitar player. Here’s a statement from Doc Coyle: “I started working on material with Ravi almost 2 years ago by trading files over the […]
COUNTDOWN TO EXTINCTION (Posted May 13th 2010 on Metalsucks.net)
In the last few years, something seemed to happen and I barely noticed. Suddenly, I’m no longer the young kid at the show. I’m one of the guys hiding out by the bar. I’m not crowd surfing, not covered in sweat with my shirt off, and I’m certainly not moshing. I’m also not randomly yelling […]
DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS (Posted Feb. 22nd 2010 on Metalsucks.net)
When it comes to music (and other things really), I tend to play devil’s advocate. If everyone is shitting on a certain band, for some reason, I become more attracted to that band and seek them out. I don’t know what it is about my personality, but I think it stems from the same perspective […]